About KD Stout

I have been writing stories and poems since I was seven years old.  “We’re Finally On Our Own” was my first novel which I started writing when I was 12 years old.  I was very much into music and songs at that time, and some of them influenced me to create the plot of the story and the characters.  When I became an adult, I worked more on the novel to make the plot stronger and characters’ personalities stronger.

About the time I was 19 years old, I started getting poems published.  My poems are mostly about feelings and/or experiences that I have gone through in my life.

When I write stories, I like to write about groups of people whether it is a gang of friends or families.  I think people get more things out life by being around a group of people.  It is also fun reading and writing about a group of people who have their own personalities.

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